How to write a successful blurb

When I was writing my first blurb, a history teacher told me that “war, violence, or sex” sells. This listicle shares other lessons that I have found useful in writing a blurb.

Shawn Seah
2 min readJun 17, 2021


Photo of the writer at a bookfair. Photography by the writer’s team.

To write a successful blurb,

  1. Have a compelling hook in your very first sentence.
  2. Keep it around 150 words —any longer and it could be perceived as boring; any shorter and it might not attract readers.
  3. Answer the question: why should people read this book?
  4. Write it in the same tone as the rest of your book.
  5. Focus on grabbing attention — what is the boldest and most significant claim?
  6. Be factual and accurate. Your credibility and reputation are important.
  7. Demonstrate your credibility and legitimacy as an author.
  8. Have a cliffhanger: make readers eager to find out what happens or what comes next.
  9. Consult people to obtain more data— test different blurbs with audiences and seek people’s opinions on them; conduct A/B testing; ask people to find out what resonates with them.
  10. Most importantly…



Shawn Seah

Singaporean writer and public speaker, passionate about education, social issues, and local history and community stories.