I find writing consistently on Medium really challenging. Here are my modest writing goals for 2024
Looking back on 2023 and looking ahead to 2024
Writing has always been a hobby of mine. Over the years, I have written books on my family history and Singapore stories from Aukang, Punggol, and the Second World War.
In 2023, I successfully launched my first children’s book series, Our Amazing Pioneers.
As I work during the day, and typically write family history and Singapore stories at night, I also find meaning in the daily writing and editing of reports, emails, and submissions at work.
This is especially if I can craft a catchy phrase or creative soundbite, convey an idea more succinctly, or correct grammatical errors.
(I believe that my colleagues have, over time, come to reluctantly accept that I have this strange fascination with writing, editing, and proofreading.)
Medium Stats
In 2021, I started writing on Medium.
- Looking back on the past few years, I will have a total of 76 stories published on Medium by the end of 2023.
- Looking back on 2022, I wrote 27 articles, averaging more than…